Saturday, February 16, 2013

For Good

            Good news! Mason is allowed to have a pet fish in his room, so says the doctor. As long as someone is able to take care of the fish, we should be good. I don’t think Mason’s been any happier than when he heard that, and it makes all of us happy to see him happy. Something else that has recently made him happy was the arrival of Morgan. She flew in yesterday from North Carolina to see him. All of Team Orange is finally reunited, and I know we all agree that it’s awesome to have her home.
In more important Mason news, he buzzed his head yesterday! Let me tell ya, he looks pretty good if you ask me. No one has seen him with hair so short in years, but it looks awesome. I know all the girls are going to be after him as soon as he’s home. They’re probably after him now . . . He also got a platelet transfusion today. Platelets are the part of your blood that allows blood to clot so that if you get a cut, you stop bleeding. That went pretty well though, and he seemed pretty good today.
 Mason’s Emerald City is getting closer and closer after each day. It starts right here. Together we’re better than Dorothy, a Scarecrow, a Lion and a Tinman.

PS. the new song describes all of this perfectly, plus it’s from the Broadway show Wicked. Really listen to the lyrics. They’re the best part!

PPS. what a good looking group, am I right?!


  1. Great looking group! You can feel the love in the photo; what an awesome family! You have each other and your awesome parents, who get to take some credit for the beautiful people you've become. So proud of each of you.

  2. That's great, Mason! Nothing like a fish to make you happy! It's got to be a nice feeling, knowing that you're surrounded by people who love you. That giant teddy bear in the background must help too! You all are so lucky to have each other looking out for you!

  3. Yaaay!! A real fish!! Very cool! Just don't forget about the 'little guys' lol. This picture is awesome. Love you all. Xxxooo

  4. Thanks for sharing the guys are the best looking group ever!! Painted my nails orange today, at Mason's request...looks great.
    Lots of love...
