Sunday, February 3, 2013


As we follow our Orange Brick Road, I know all of you readers will be following along with us. Don't hesitate to comment and let us know that you're reading. 

Plus I have to prove to Mason that he's getting views because of actual readers, not from me refreshing the page ;) 


  1. We're all reading this bud :) Everything is gonna be just fine

  2. You're not alone in this. You're not alone in anything. "We will not fall because we have each other. We will not fall because we are brothers. We will not fall because we have love. We will not fall, we will rise above." Take a listen to this song :) I've been obsessing over it and it's perfect for you. Shinedown - Unity

  3. We are carrying all of the Abate family in our hearts and prayers here at the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur. We prayed for Mason at Community Prayer on Wednesday and will continue to pray~ for healing and courage, comfort and peace...and all those gifts the good God knows you need. We are a heartbeat away....right behind you on the Orange Brick Road. xoxox Ms.France
