Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Beginning

What happens when the yellow brick road and the red brick road join instead of diverging? I’m pretty positive that Dorothy never encountered this problem. Unfortunately, for my little brother, he did.
There are colors that signify all different things. We associate pink with breast cancer, yellow for our soldiers, red for AIDS, and countless other things. The color for leukemia is orange. This blog is dedicated to my baby brother’s journey down that orange brick road. He does not need a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion. He has enough brains, heart, and courage to give the three of them what they asked for ten times over. Plus, who needs those companions when he has my parents, Morgan, Parker, me and all of our amazing family and friends? Exactly.
Here goes nothing. Time to follow that orange brick road.
Follow the orange brick road, follow the orange brick road. Follow, follow, follow, follow the orange brick road . . . 


  1. Great idea to enable us to share the journey with Mason and all of you. Love the blog name and this first post. We're quite confident that no amount of flying-monkey cells commanded by a wicked witch of the east or west can stop his strength and recovery. Fortified by the family's love and excellent care, he'll be "no place like home" very soon. We're routing for Mason up here in CT! Much love to all.

  2. Mason may be your baby brother, Mackenzie, but he is my older cousin - someone I have always looked up to. I have always admired his positive attitude, courageous personality, and determination. Whether it be Xbox, baseball, or academics Mason never gives up. He truly is a warrior, making sure he puts forth his best effort. He has the character of the role model my teachers talk about when they try to convince us to always persevere. They person who keeps trying, fighting, and never giving up. With his courage, heart, and bravery Mason will successfully walk down this orange brick road - I'm sure of it. We are all here for you, Mason. We love you. I love you.

  3. We are all cheering on Mason to his victory from cancer. We are certain he will be in the Emerald City soon as a hero for conquering leukemia. After all, he has his very supportive family. But especially his Good Witch Glinda for publishing this loving blog for Mason.

  4. Pslam 91:1,2
    1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
    Stay strong Mason we are thinking about you and praying for you. God and your family will always be with you
